Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Episode 6: Thanksgiving Dishes and New Years Wishes

Wow! Episode 6 and counting – good to see all your friendly faces again! Housekeeping for this week brings a Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge topic out of the archives once again, followed by a quick update on what we watched first on Disney Plus! We then spend the proper amount of time introducing and discussing our favorite blogger, and agreeing with her opinions on everything. For the news, Disney announces some interesting and semi-affordable special event dining options to usher in the New Year. Finally, we consider the best places to enjoy a ‘Thanksgiving meal’ at Disney.

As is tradition at this point, a million thank yous to all who listen to our podcast! We are so happy to welcome you into our Disney family, while we share thoughts and laughter over the best topic ever!

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Episode 4: Swooning Over Star Wars

Hello, and welcome once again to our show! To make up for running over in last week’s episode, this week’s show is a little shorter! Our first bit of news is cause for celebration as a “bad call” mentioned last week gets reversed! Following this, we crack on with some “’tis the season”-al news, as well as briefly mention our F&WF experience in Disneyland. Rounding out the episode, we discuss our experience ‘not too long ago, in the state far far South’ — and how we were over the moon about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.

Finally, we really want to just say thank you, again, to everyone. It’s wonderful to know that there are so many of you out there who are interested in what we have to say! We hope you enjoy the show!

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A wide-angle view of the Millennium Falcon
Our score for Star Wars’ Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run (It was our first time!)
The Bespin Fizz! See how it fizzes!
The Fuzzy TaunTaun!